Huiri Tan

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About Me

I am a research oriented software engineer at RIOS Lab, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI). My research interest broadly lies on Compilers, Program Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Software Engineering, and Machine Learning, with an emphasis on developing innovative both AI and traditional algorithms to solve intricate system problems such as Program Transformation, Binary Code Aanlysis and Optimization, Disassembly, Code Similarity Detection, etc. I received my bachelor's degree from Wuhan University in 2022. I'm currently looking for proper Ph.D. position.


2023-11-30 Won the first class prize of GBA-AI Competition.
2022-07-04 Started working at TBSI, focusing on Binary Translation.


2022 - Outstanding Graduates - Wuhan University

2021 - Huawei Scholarship - Wuhan University

2021 - Merit Student - Wuhan University

2021 - Excellent Student First Class Scholarship - Wuhan University

2020 - Merit Student - Wuhan University

2020 - Excellent Student Second Class Scholarship - Wuhan University


MC-Tracking: Towards Ubiquitous Menstrual Cycle Tracking using the Smartphone
Yuan Wu, Jian Zhang*, Yanjiao Chen*, Wuxuan Shi, Huiri Tan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2023